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Grille de Salaires PROGISYS

(1 Salaires > 1 postes)

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Compte rendu d'embauche chez PROGISYS

(0 entretiens)

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Stagiaire PROGISYS

(0 Salaires > 0 Postes)

Il n'y a pas encore de salaire de stage enregistré pour PROGISYS.
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Presentation PROGISYS

Progisys is a dynamic group forging ahead for recruitment services to the oil, gas, power & petrochemical industries.

A large and diversified portfolio of human resources dedicated to Oil, Gas, Petrochemical & Power Industries. Our core business is to provide key contract personnel to service the requirements of oil, gas & petrochemicals industries on a global basis:

- Construction
- Engineering
- Operation and maintenance
- Safety, HSE, Simops
- Well service operations
- Commissioning
- Compilation of Manuals ( operation, maintenance
- Commissioning) Decommissioning
- Shut Down
- Start-up
- Training of Personnel

Pour en savoir plus sur PROGISYS.