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Grille de Salaires KIMBERLY CLARK

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We're a global team of nearly 56,000 people who share a passion for finding new ways to create essentials for a better life. We're committed to innovation, leadership, sustaining our world and strengthening our communities.

Kimberly-Clark is leading the world in essentials for a better life. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with nearly 56,000 employees worldwide and operations in 35 countries, Kimberly-Clark posted sales of $19.1 billion in 2009. Kimberly-Clark’s global brands are sold in more than 150 countries. Every day, 1.3 billion people trust Kimberly-Clark products and the solutions they provide to make their lives better. With well-known family care and personal care brands such as Kleenex, Scott, Andrex, Huggies, Pull-Ups, Kotex, Poise and Depend, we hold the No. 1 or No. 2 share position globally in more than 80 countries.

Pour en savoir plus sur Kimberly Clark.