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AJINOMOTO EUROLYSINE S.A.S. has produced and sold L-Lysine since 1976, L-Threonine since 1987, L-Tryptophan since 2000. Again, in 2009, AJINOMOTO EUROLYSINE S.A.S. is the first to launch a production of L-Valine for feed-use. Our amino acids are produced by the fermentation of raw materials from agriculture such as beet sugar, beet molasses or starch hydrolysates from cereals.
- L-Lysine: the leading amino acid
- L-Threonine: nutritional balance in practice
- L-Tryptophan: a key nutrient for growth and feed intake
- L-Valine: release the potential of your feed
Pour en savoir plus sur AJINOMOTO EUROLYSINE.