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Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc. (Schweitzer-Mauduit) is a diversified producer of premium specialty papers and the world’s largest supplier of fine papers to the tobacco industry. Schweitzer-Mauduit conducts business in over 90 countries and employs approximately 2,900 people worldwide, with operations in the United States, France, Brazil, Indonesia, the Philippines, Canada, and a joint venture in China.

Schweitzer-Mauduit became an independent public company on December 1, 1995 with the spin-off by Kimberly-Clark Corporation of its United States, French and Canadian operations that produced tobacco-related products. Schweitzer-Mauduit is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol SWM.

Schweitzer-Mauduit’s manufacturing facilities have a long history of producing paper dating back to 1545. The Company’s domestic mills led the development of the North American tobacco-related papers manufacturing industry, which was originated by Peter J. Schweitzer, Inc. that began as an importer of cigarette papers from France in 1908. The manufacturing facilities include:

Pour en savoir plus sur Schweitzer Mauduit.