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Grille de Salaires BERTRANDT

(3 Salaires > 3 postes)





Franche-Comté CAO-DAO / Dessinateur-projeteur Pilote Etudes 42 987 €
Ile-de-France Autres métiers (Gestion de projet) Ingénieur Motoriste 39 988 €
Voir tous les Salaires

Compte rendu d'embauche chez BERTRANDT

(0 entretiens)

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(0 Salaires > 0 Postes)

Il n'y a pas encore de salaire de stage enregistré pour BERTRANDT.
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Presentation BERTRANDT

The Bertrandt Group has been providing development solutions for the international automotive and aviation industries in Europe and the USA for more than 35 years. Customers from the aviation sector are provided with individual and targeted development services through the joint venture “Bertrandt Aeroconseil GmbH”. Through its subsidiary Bertrandt Services, the Group also offers technical and commercial services throughout Germany for industries outside the mobility sectors. A total of over 6,500 employees at 32 locations guarantee extensive know-how, sustainable project solutions and a high level of customer orientation.

Pour en savoir plus sur BERTRANDT.